League Of Legends Does Any Champion Use Crit Dmg Runes

tbh, i think critical dmg runes need a buff.
you need to get over 350 attack damage without anyone damage runes to really see the difference.
the point is crit dmg can be seen as AD per lvl since it works best with a lot of AD.
maximum damage increase with crit dmg runes:
full marks, seals and quints(total 40% crit dmg) give a damage increase of: 15.3% as soon as you have bought your infinity edge.
normal crit dmg: 200% +
lethality 5-10%(5% for ranged, mastery) +
50% from infinity edge.
total: 255-260%
40/255 = 15.7% or 40/260 = 15.4% damage increase on crits (note that the reinforced armor mastery can take away a huge part of this since it is applied after these calculations and thus reduce this amount by about 12%, but this doesnt matter since this is applied to all crits, even the onces without crit dmg runes)
crit dmg cap for ranged champions: 300% (no other passives that increase that on ranged champions)
increased dmg: 17.6%(45/255) more then normal (but you have lost any AD armor or mr from runes so you will see later on that to succesfully use these crit dmg runes you need 400 AD at the least, which simply makes these runes not viable)
crit dmg cap for melee champions: 305% + passive increase (tryndamere)
increased dmg: 17.3%(45/260) more then normal, with tryndamere's passive tho the amount of dmg that is increased on crits gets even lower and thus less usefull.
alright so how does my damage change?
lets say i have 300AD since i want huge crits and i probably need a PD aswell so 300AD is about the max.
300 + 22(full flat AD), 18(flat AD + armor) or 52(full AD per lvl) = 322, 318 or 352 AD
322 * 2.55(ranged) = 821.1 dmg
318 * 2.55(ranged) = 810.9 dmg <- i would recommend to take this since your attacks will be much more deadly in early game, thus allowing you to farm or kill easier.
352 * 2.55(ranged) = 897.6 dmg
300 * 3.00(ranged full crit dmg) = 900 dmg <- i wouldn't recommend this, it just sucks as i show right here below, the glyph's are really inefficient when they are used for crit dmg, the seals are better then AD if you get to 300+ AD.
306.6 * 2.95(when you exchange crit dmg glyphs for AD per lvl) = 904.47
so what we see here is that the total damage increase is about 2 dmg compared to scaling AD and about 78 damage compared to full flat AD, but we still need to take in account that the critchance we have is probably not above 55% (PD + IE) so we are still sacrificing about 45% of that extra damage, making the 78 damage an increase of 43 dmg.
i do not know when the reinforced armor mastery(10% reduced crit dmg) takes place, if it reduces total dmg or the critical dmg the opponent has.
in case 1 you have to further reduce the 43dmg, since 10% of 900 is more then 10% of 810.
note: for gangplank crit dmg runes are more viable since his Q has some base damage and will thus easier get more dmg when having crit dmg runes
conclusion: AD per lvl is more useful as critical dmg runes since it doesn't require you to have any crit chance to gain the bonus effects. AD per lvl doesn't rely on any items, crit dmg does.
if you have seen any flaws in my calculations i would be glad to fix those. any missing parts could be added as well of course.

EDIT: At level 3 in ARAM: - First no crit dmg or chance runes - 65 dmg to melee minions then 71 ('ashe crit') - Second 29% crit dmg runes and no crit runes - same results compared to first test. I could see that the passive still dealt 110% more dmg at second hit even with the crit dmg runes.

We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Nov 02, 2019  League of Legends Champion Guides. Create Guide. Builds & Guides League of Legends. Those 2 runes combine very well with Relentless Hunter and make Evelynn a supercar! So if he do crit dmg he'll get MS so you'll have to use. Which Champion can have the strongest Crit? Besides Nasus. I'm looking for an abilty with a high AD ratio that procs as an auto attack and can crit, like Gangplanks Q. Champion.gg isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Aug 10, 2011  League of Legends Premiere Ashe Strategy Builds and Tools. Help Support Our Growing Community. League of Legends Champion Guides. Create Guide. Builds & Guides League of Legends. You have crit dmg runes, making this a solid start. The health pots make it arguably better than Doran's Blade.

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The purpose of this build is to gives you lots of attack speed and damage together. The reason you would want attack speed on Ashe is because of her Q, which is an on-hit slow. You can slow people a lot faster with an attack speed build, making it harder for them to get away. With this build, you also get a very high amount of DPS. With the Madred's passive and almost 100% critical chance combined with critical damage runes and the Infinity Edge's passive, you will kill very fast.
This guide is based on the first build. I've added a second build that includes more of a standard build for Ashe. You'll deal more damage with the second build, but you won't have as much attack speed, which is very good on Ashe.


Crit Damage Marks/Quints - For the most late-game damage possible.
Mana Regen/Level Seals - Your Q costs mana per hit. With lots of attack speed, you will need mana regen to keep up.
CDR Glyphs - More ults.


21/0/9. This is easily the best mastery tree on Ashe imo. Go offensive for more damage, then utility for time spent dead (you die easy and your team needs you alive as much as possible) and xp.

Starting Items

Double Doran's Blade - Health, life steal, damage. It's the best start overall. When you go back, you should pick up a few health pots too, to give you survivability. You may also need a third Doran's, depending on the game.
Other options-
Brawler's Gloves + 2 Health Pots - You have crit dmg runes, making this a solid start. The health pots make it arguably better than Doran's Blade.
Boots of Speed + 3 Health Pots - Good for speed and the health pots. This is a good start for 2v2 laning.


- Flash can save your life in certain situations.
- Teleport is great for laning early game, pushing mid-late game, and getting to team fights quickly. There's also a trick where you can fire your ult and teleport near where it's going to hit, to get the maximum effectiveness from it.
Other options - Ghost would definitely be by third choice for Ashe and Heal would be my fourth. Other lesser options include Ignite, Exhaust, Cleanse, and Clarity. I wouldn't get Ignite on her, since she should already be killing fast. Exhaust isn't too good, since you have a built-in slow. Cleanse can be ok, but your tanks should be keeping the cc away from you. Clarity is only good if you really use a lot of mana, it's normally a waste of a spell.

Middle, Top, or Duo Bot?

Where you lane should depend on who the other team has. Ashe is a great middle against other ranged dps, but DO NOT try to lane her against a mage with strong burst such as Brand or Le Blanc. She's typically best laning bot with a support.


-> You should pretty much always get Boots of Swiftness on Ashe. The extra speed is just really good on her. Another possible choice would be Berserker's Greaves.


-> Infinity Edge is a standard start for Ashe and a must-have on any critical chance build.
-> Phantom Dancer is an ideal item for Ashe. It gives you movement speed and attack speed, which is perfect for chasing/slowing with your Q. It also gives you critical chance, so you can use all that critical damage.
-> Stark's Fervor gives attack speed, life steal, health regen. It's all very good on Ashe. I prefer this to The Bloodthirster just because attack speed works well with Bloodrazor and your Q. If your team lacks AD champs who can benefit from its life steal for your whole team or if its pretty easy for you to stay alive and keep Bloodthirster's stacks, you can choose to get a Bloodthirster instead.
-> Madred's Bloodrazor's passive is great on any attack speed build. It also gives you some extra damage and attack speed.

Possible Replacements for the Madred's Bloodrazor

These are some items you can replace your Madred's with. You could also choose to keep the Madred's and remove the Phantom Dancer instead.
- Banshee's Veil is great for the passive. It also gives extra health and mana, both are good on Ashe
- Trinity Forces gives you a little of everything, it's similar to a Phantom Dancer but gives less damage and some health and mana.
- The Bloodthirster is great if you're doing really well. It'll keep you alive longer with life steal and you won't lose your stacks as often when you aren't dying.
- The Black Cleaver is an amazing item with attack speed builds. The armor penetration is great. It's arguably better than getting another Phantom Dancer.
- Along with Madred's, Last Whisper can make you a real rank-killer. If the other team is tanky, go ahead and get it.
- Sword of the Divine is only to be used to counter dodge champs like Udyr and Jax. If they're being a pain, this item can help a lot.

Selling Your Boots?

If you get a Phantom Dancer as your final item, you can sell your boots and buy a Trinity Force. This will only slow you down a little bit and it will make your stats much stronger. But, if you need the extra movement speed, do not sell your boots.

Pros/Cons to This Build

More attack speed for your Q.
You have a mixture of AD and AP, thanks to the Madred's Bloodrazor. So, you can't be countered as easily with armor.
Strong late game damage, with high critical chance/damage.
Lots of movement speed for maneuvering, escaping, and chasing.
Less damage to buildings, since you can't deal critical strikes to them.

League Of Legends Does Any Champion Use Crit Dmg Runes For Sale

Low early game damage, due to taking crit dmg runes instead of armor penetration or attack speed.
Low attack damage for your W. So, it will be fairly weak with this build.
You use your mana quickly with attack speed + Q spamming.

Closing Tips

Remember to use your ult frequently. It's ok if you miss with it. An Ashe that doesn't miss ults isn't using them enough.
Don't farm too much with your W. This can eat up your mana and make you less effective in team fights. Also, don't push with it early. It's best used to farm big waves of minions and to slow enemies.

League Of Legends Does Any Champion Use Crit Dmg Runes For Money

Remember to use E. Use your E frequently. It's an awesome scouting spell and is generally quite underrated. It also has no mana cost, so spam it!

League Of Legends Does Any Champion Use Crit Dmg Runes 2017

Stay in the back during team fights. You are squishy. This means you should be the last to join team fights and the first to retreat.

League Of Legends Does Any Champion Use Crit Dmg Runescape

Ashe can chase very well with lots of movement speed and attack speed, but be careful not to chase too far since you are very squishy.